Today’s Quote: Political Ad Campaigns

I love what comedian Brian Regan said about political ad billboards – he points out that they’re often just the person’s name and 2-3 words they’ve chosen to describe themselves, as if that’s all that was needed to make an informed decision. Political Ads are ridiculous. Alabama is famous for its political ads – whether its for Young Boozer (and yes, that’s his real name) or Dale Peterson. But funny ads are everywhere else too. One of my favorites is anti Sam Katz, a guy who is apparently running for mayor of Winnipeg. It ends with footage of him playing soccer and accidentally kicking a kid in the face. You’ll want to check it out sometime. I don’t know what they’re like where you are – but here in Montgomery the negative ads have gotten so intense that I almost don’t want to watch TV until after the elections are over.
By this time everyone has to be getting tired of the mudslinging – in relation to that, this quote about negative political ads caught my eye.

Every two years the American politics industry fills the airwaves with the most virulent, scurrilous, wall-to-wall character assassination of nearly every political practitioner in the country — and then declares itself puzzled that America has lost trust in its politicians.
– Charles Krauthammer



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